Monday, September 21, 2009


Sophia Margaret Wells was born October 10th 2007. I was 39 weeks. I wanted to be done! Sophia was conceived when Fynlee was still in the NICU. She was an Opps baby! I went to my Dr. appt and was begging her to do something! I wanted this kid out! She said she would strip my membranes, but I declined because we were going that day to sign our lease for an apartment. I didn't want to be in the middle of that and go into labor. So, she said she would induce me the following week on Oct 10. So, we went about our week. Fynlee was going to stay at a friends house the night before. So, we dropped him off and Jack dropped me off at a friends house while he was at work. I had to be at the hospital at 5:00 am the next day. I went to play cards. Jack came to pick me up at midnight when he got off of work. We got back home around 12:30 am. I was getting the rest of the stuff ready to go in the morning. I went to the bathroom. I went to lay down and I felt something. I got up and felt some wetness. I was like..Hmmmm. I told Jack.." I think my water just broke!" He said, "Really, Holly! Right now!?" I said yes! So, I told Jack's step-mom and dad we were going to the hospital a little early! I called my Dr. told her and she said to go ahead to the hospital. I called my mom left her a message. We got to the hospital and I did the usual things you do. LOL. I asked for my epidural cause I wasn't gonna play around with that again. I started pushing at 5:00 am and Sophia was born at 5:45 am. I had to hold her in! My Dr. was on her way in, and they were telling me to stop pushing and I didn't want too. So, I had to kinda cross my legs to keep her in. That was kinda funny! It was only Jack and I in the delivery room and it was nice. It as quiet, peaceful. Fynlee came the next day to meet his new baby sister. He wasn't to thrilled to say the least. When Sophia and I were to come home, Jack called me at the hospital and said something was wrong with Fyn. He had all these little red splotches all over him. I was like great, I am bringing home a newborn and my other child is sick! So, I called our Pedi, who had just been in to see me and Sophia and told him what Jack said. he said to bring in Fyn when I got Sophia settled in at home. So, we got Sophia home and me and my step-mil took Fyn to the Dr. He looked at me and asked if he had ate anything odd. No. He said he had Hives. He said Fyn was not to happy about having a new baby sister. He had gotten so stressed out when he saw me holding a new baby, that it freaked him out! LOL.
Today, Fyn and Sophia are always together. They love eachother.
Sophia's nickname is Monkey. She LOVES Curious George. She sleeps with her Monkey every night.
She is a handful! She screams over everything. If it's not her way, it's nobody's way!

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