Monday, September 7, 2009

How I met Jack.

Jack and I met for the first time Feb. 14th 2006. Yes, of all cheesyness Valentines Day. My then boyfriend and I were there playing Texas Hold'Em Poker at John Wayne's. I was sitting at a table enjoying my Long Island beverage and Jack walks in and sits down. I noticed him, but didn't say anything. Jack looks straight at me and says "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." I look at home and say I have heard every single pick up line possible so that's not gonna work for you! And I have a boyfriend. He just looked at me. So, poker ended there and some people were coming back to our apartment to play a game. Jack was invited by my boyfriend. Jack started talking to me more and "tried" to get me to go home with him. LOL So, after that I would see Jack all the time playing cards. We became really good friends. He always tried to get me to go out on a date with him and I would always say no, we were better off friends. Well, I had broken up with my boyfriend and was living by myself when I started dating someone else. Oh course I don't think Jack liked all to much because he wanted to date me. Anyways, I ended up pregnant with Fynlee. The guy left me. I was playing cards one night while Jack was running the game. He knew I was pregnant. Jack was one of the first people I told, because he was one of my good friends. Well, it was July 3rd 2006. I asked Jack if he could give me a ride home. He said your house or mine, and I said yours. I had talked to him so many times that I wanted to have a relationship with him. I was ready. I was 3 months pregnant with Fynlee. I have been with Jack everyday since that night. He told me from the beginning that he wanted to raise Fynlee as his own. He said that he was HIS baby. Jack is the love of my life. He is my soul mate. We have had 3 great kids together. Even though Fynlee is not his, he treats him as if he was his own and loves him so much. He says that is MY boy. Jack and I got married after being together for 2 years. We were married on April 12th, 2008. We have been through a lot and we keep working at it everyday. Not a day goes by that we do not fight, but we try our best to work through it the only way we know how. He is and has my heart and always will!

I Love You Jack!

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