Friday, September 11, 2009


Fynlee was born December 9th 2006. He was 6 weeks premature. My water broke December 8th in the afternoon. Jack and I were at a friends house before he had to be at work. When we got up to leave, I felt this gush of water. I thought I had peed my pants. I went to the bathroom before we left to see if that is what it was. Well, it kept coming out! I got in the car and I just looked at Jack and said "I think I peed my pants!" I called our roommate we were living with and I told her. Well, when I got back to the house she and our friend Carrie just looked at me and I said I think your water broke! So, I got my bag for the hospital. We stopped at the grocery store. I wasn't having really bad contractions but I was having some. We stopped at McDonald's because I didn't know if I was in labor or not, and if I was I wanted to eat before they wouldn't let me! So, we got to the hospital and they check me and said it was indeed my water that broke. So, GREAT! I called Jack and told him, I called my mom,grandma and dad. My Dr. came later that night and said that Fynlee's lungs were not developed and they were not going to check to see if I was dialated, they didn't want to risk infection. They were going to try and keep him in there as long as possible. I slept like crap, I cried because I knew he wasn't ready to come out. The next day my Dr. wanted to check me. He said I was dialated and we needed to get him out. My mom showed up around noon. They gave my steroid shots to help his lungs. I got my epidural. When it was time to push the NICU team came in and that scared me to death! At 6:03 pm Fynlee Douglas was born. He was immediatly put on the heater and taken to the NICU. I cried my eyes out. I was so sad. I blamed myself. My epidural had not worn off and I told them I wanted to see him. They put me in a wheelchair and took me to see him. He had all those tubes and oxygen and wires. I just sat there and cried my eyes out. I was helpless. Why did this happen to me? What did I do so wrong to have this done? I went to see him every single hour on the hour. I felt I had too. Fynlee had to stay in the NICU when I went home. I went everyday to see him. I remember the first day I got to hold him. He was so tiny. Santa came and seen him in the NICU. All of the nurses loved him. They loved his name and his hair color! We had my mom's side of the family Christmas and I took family members there to see him. We were told he would be out on the incubator and billi light. When we got there he was back in and under them. I was so sad. We got him out to feed him. My mom and step-dad took so many pictures of him in the NICU and I still look at them this day and think how tiny he was. Fynlee came home January 17th 2007. He came home on a feeding tube,oxygen and heart monitor. He was so fragile! He had all those wires. But, I did it! I got him to take a bottle and he was off the feeding tube within a week. We had countless Riley appointments. By 7 months he was off of the oxygen and heart monitor. Looking at him now you would never know he was a preemie and in NICU. Fynlee is so full of life and never ceases to amaze me. He is my Fyn Fyn and Fynny Boo! He is not my baby anymore, he is a big boy who will be 3 this year. :(

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