Saturday, September 5, 2009


Samantha was born on Feb 16th 2001. I was 19 when I had her. She was my first baby. Sammie was not due until March 3rd. I was put on bed rest at 5 months. The day I went off of bed rest, I went and did some shopping to get ready for her, even though my Dr. told me not too. I got home and started feeling really bad. I took a bath to see if it would ease the pain and it didn't. I tried laying down and that didn't even help. The contractions were coming so close, that I called my mom to tell her to come and pick me up to go to the hospital. I go to the hospital and they keep me there for a couple hours and say I should be coming back the next day, because I was only 3 cm dialated and they didn't think my contractions were that bad..Hmm HELLO I was the one in pain here! So, they gave my mom a pill to help me relax and get some sleep. Well, I sent Sammie's dad out to a movie with a friend because he was annoying me so bad with the whole breathe Holly Breathe! Stupid men! Anyways, my mom takes me back to her apartment along with my 6 year old brother, my cousin and aunt. My mom gives me the pill and it really knocked me on my butt. But, I was still in so much pain. I was yelling screaming. I said I needed to go to the bathroom and my aunt helped me. I thought I had to poop. Well, I sat down peed and pushed a little and when I pushed my water broke. I was like OMG WTF was that?! My aunt just looked at me. Her and my mom laid me on the bathroom floor, but I yelled that I wanted a pillow! I wanted to comfy ya know!? Well, I was screaming and yelling some more, cause that's what you do! My mom asked me if I wanted her to call the ambulance and I was like DUH! So, se calls them and calls my dad who was at a bar, nothing out of the ordinary there! The paramedics get there and look in and are like, well we ain't doing that! I was like WTF! So, a very nice lady comes in and aparently she is a paramedic and sit on the bathtub and tells me to push. I did and she said STOP and I was like NO! She said I had too so she could unwrap the cord from her neck. She did and said I could push again. I did and Samantha Madison was born at 10:10 pm on Feb 16th 2001. My dad got there with a police escort, he got pulled over for speeding the way there. They put her in the ambulance and than me and took us to the hospital. I had had a drug free birth, and I NEVER wanted to do it again! We got to the hospital and they were surprised to see me, idiots! Anyways, that was how my Sammie was brought into the world.

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