Saturday, December 5, 2009

I guess 4 out of 50 is okay...

Ya know? Getting 4 kids dressed for the Christmas picture should be a fun time. Not so much. Getting them to sit still while I tried to do this. Not gonna happen. Now, what did work was bribing them with suckers, candy canes and my sunglasses, now that worked!

I love them, but next year, someone else is gonna do this, not Mommy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Jack Lennon Wells was born January 24th 2009 at 2:35 am. His 1st name of course is daddys name and his middle name is for my love of The Beatles and John Lennon. The pregnancy with him was hard on me. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I gain the most weight with him. He killed my back. He sat on my bladder. Ya know, the normal pregnancy complaints, except 1 million time worse!

Jack weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long He had the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times.
He is a great baby. He sleeps well most of the time. He smiles every morning when he gets up. He is overall a very happy baby. He is always smiling and trying to get into everything. He does his army crawl all over the house. He loves to get shoes. He loves being around his brother and sisters. He loves it when I sing to him. Whenever I am having a bad day, all I have to do is look at him and he just smiles at me.

I don't know what the future will bring with him. But, all I know is that I love waking up every morning to his smiling face and his baby talk he does.

He is my love. <3>

Monday, September 21, 2009


Sophia Margaret Wells was born October 10th 2007. I was 39 weeks. I wanted to be done! Sophia was conceived when Fynlee was still in the NICU. She was an Opps baby! I went to my Dr. appt and was begging her to do something! I wanted this kid out! She said she would strip my membranes, but I declined because we were going that day to sign our lease for an apartment. I didn't want to be in the middle of that and go into labor. So, she said she would induce me the following week on Oct 10. So, we went about our week. Fynlee was going to stay at a friends house the night before. So, we dropped him off and Jack dropped me off at a friends house while he was at work. I had to be at the hospital at 5:00 am the next day. I went to play cards. Jack came to pick me up at midnight when he got off of work. We got back home around 12:30 am. I was getting the rest of the stuff ready to go in the morning. I went to the bathroom. I went to lay down and I felt something. I got up and felt some wetness. I was like..Hmmmm. I told Jack.." I think my water just broke!" He said, "Really, Holly! Right now!?" I said yes! So, I told Jack's step-mom and dad we were going to the hospital a little early! I called my Dr. told her and she said to go ahead to the hospital. I called my mom left her a message. We got to the hospital and I did the usual things you do. LOL. I asked for my epidural cause I wasn't gonna play around with that again. I started pushing at 5:00 am and Sophia was born at 5:45 am. I had to hold her in! My Dr. was on her way in, and they were telling me to stop pushing and I didn't want too. So, I had to kinda cross my legs to keep her in. That was kinda funny! It was only Jack and I in the delivery room and it was nice. It as quiet, peaceful. Fynlee came the next day to meet his new baby sister. He wasn't to thrilled to say the least. When Sophia and I were to come home, Jack called me at the hospital and said something was wrong with Fyn. He had all these little red splotches all over him. I was like great, I am bringing home a newborn and my other child is sick! So, I called our Pedi, who had just been in to see me and Sophia and told him what Jack said. he said to bring in Fyn when I got Sophia settled in at home. So, we got Sophia home and me and my step-mil took Fyn to the Dr. He looked at me and asked if he had ate anything odd. No. He said he had Hives. He said Fyn was not to happy about having a new baby sister. He had gotten so stressed out when he saw me holding a new baby, that it freaked him out! LOL.
Today, Fyn and Sophia are always together. They love eachother.
Sophia's nickname is Monkey. She LOVES Curious George. She sleeps with her Monkey every night.
She is a handful! She screams over everything. If it's not her way, it's nobody's way!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Fynlee was born December 9th 2006. He was 6 weeks premature. My water broke December 8th in the afternoon. Jack and I were at a friends house before he had to be at work. When we got up to leave, I felt this gush of water. I thought I had peed my pants. I went to the bathroom before we left to see if that is what it was. Well, it kept coming out! I got in the car and I just looked at Jack and said "I think I peed my pants!" I called our roommate we were living with and I told her. Well, when I got back to the house she and our friend Carrie just looked at me and I said I think your water broke! So, I got my bag for the hospital. We stopped at the grocery store. I wasn't having really bad contractions but I was having some. We stopped at McDonald's because I didn't know if I was in labor or not, and if I was I wanted to eat before they wouldn't let me! So, we got to the hospital and they check me and said it was indeed my water that broke. So, GREAT! I called Jack and told him, I called my mom,grandma and dad. My Dr. came later that night and said that Fynlee's lungs were not developed and they were not going to check to see if I was dialated, they didn't want to risk infection. They were going to try and keep him in there as long as possible. I slept like crap, I cried because I knew he wasn't ready to come out. The next day my Dr. wanted to check me. He said I was dialated and we needed to get him out. My mom showed up around noon. They gave my steroid shots to help his lungs. I got my epidural. When it was time to push the NICU team came in and that scared me to death! At 6:03 pm Fynlee Douglas was born. He was immediatly put on the heater and taken to the NICU. I cried my eyes out. I was so sad. I blamed myself. My epidural had not worn off and I told them I wanted to see him. They put me in a wheelchair and took me to see him. He had all those tubes and oxygen and wires. I just sat there and cried my eyes out. I was helpless. Why did this happen to me? What did I do so wrong to have this done? I went to see him every single hour on the hour. I felt I had too. Fynlee had to stay in the NICU when I went home. I went everyday to see him. I remember the first day I got to hold him. He was so tiny. Santa came and seen him in the NICU. All of the nurses loved him. They loved his name and his hair color! We had my mom's side of the family Christmas and I took family members there to see him. We were told he would be out on the incubator and billi light. When we got there he was back in and under them. I was so sad. We got him out to feed him. My mom and step-dad took so many pictures of him in the NICU and I still look at them this day and think how tiny he was. Fynlee came home January 17th 2007. He came home on a feeding tube,oxygen and heart monitor. He was so fragile! He had all those wires. But, I did it! I got him to take a bottle and he was off the feeding tube within a week. We had countless Riley appointments. By 7 months he was off of the oxygen and heart monitor. Looking at him now you would never know he was a preemie and in NICU. Fynlee is so full of life and never ceases to amaze me. He is my Fyn Fyn and Fynny Boo! He is not my baby anymore, he is a big boy who will be 3 this year. :(

Monday, September 7, 2009

How I met Jack.

Jack and I met for the first time Feb. 14th 2006. Yes, of all cheesyness Valentines Day. My then boyfriend and I were there playing Texas Hold'Em Poker at John Wayne's. I was sitting at a table enjoying my Long Island beverage and Jack walks in and sits down. I noticed him, but didn't say anything. Jack looks straight at me and says "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." I look at home and say I have heard every single pick up line possible so that's not gonna work for you! And I have a boyfriend. He just looked at me. So, poker ended there and some people were coming back to our apartment to play a game. Jack was invited by my boyfriend. Jack started talking to me more and "tried" to get me to go home with him. LOL So, after that I would see Jack all the time playing cards. We became really good friends. He always tried to get me to go out on a date with him and I would always say no, we were better off friends. Well, I had broken up with my boyfriend and was living by myself when I started dating someone else. Oh course I don't think Jack liked all to much because he wanted to date me. Anyways, I ended up pregnant with Fynlee. The guy left me. I was playing cards one night while Jack was running the game. He knew I was pregnant. Jack was one of the first people I told, because he was one of my good friends. Well, it was July 3rd 2006. I asked Jack if he could give me a ride home. He said your house or mine, and I said yours. I had talked to him so many times that I wanted to have a relationship with him. I was ready. I was 3 months pregnant with Fynlee. I have been with Jack everyday since that night. He told me from the beginning that he wanted to raise Fynlee as his own. He said that he was HIS baby. Jack is the love of my life. He is my soul mate. We have had 3 great kids together. Even though Fynlee is not his, he treats him as if he was his own and loves him so much. He says that is MY boy. Jack and I got married after being together for 2 years. We were married on April 12th, 2008. We have been through a lot and we keep working at it everyday. Not a day goes by that we do not fight, but we try our best to work through it the only way we know how. He is and has my heart and always will!

I Love You Jack!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A little about me!

I was born Nov 8th 1981. My parents loved me. I was the first grandchild on my dad's side and the 4th on my mom's side. I had a very strong relationship with my maternal grandparents and not so much with paternal. I loved my Papaw and Mamaw! My Papaw died when I was 12 years old. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I was on a class trip to Ohio and I had started my period for the first time! I remember his smell, the way he looked and the way he loved all of us. I miss him so much and remember every little thing about him.Okay, on that note I need to move on before I cry anymore!
I met Paul, my ex in middle school. I moved and re-connec
ted a few years later. He is my oldest daughter's father. We had a bad relationship. He was abusive. He got really abusive when Sammie was around 2-3 years old and I left him. I was stupid for staying with him, but I thought I was in love, but he was never in love with me. So, that's a little about me. I will get to talking about the kids soon and how I met Jack.


Samantha was born on Feb 16th 2001. I was 19 when I had her. She was my first baby. Sammie was not due until March 3rd. I was put on bed rest at 5 months. The day I went off of bed rest, I went and did some shopping to get ready for her, even though my Dr. told me not too. I got home and started feeling really bad. I took a bath to see if it would ease the pain and it didn't. I tried laying down and that didn't even help. The contractions were coming so close, that I called my mom to tell her to come and pick me up to go to the hospital. I go to the hospital and they keep me there for a couple hours and say I should be coming back the next day, because I was only 3 cm dialated and they didn't think my contractions were that bad..Hmm HELLO I was the one in pain here! So, they gave my mom a pill to help me relax and get some sleep. Well, I sent Sammie's dad out to a movie with a friend because he was annoying me so bad with the whole breathe Holly Breathe! Stupid men! Anyways, my mom takes me back to her apartment along with my 6 year old brother, my cousin and aunt. My mom gives me the pill and it really knocked me on my butt. But, I was still in so much pain. I was yelling screaming. I said I needed to go to the bathroom and my aunt helped me. I thought I had to poop. Well, I sat down peed and pushed a little and when I pushed my water broke. I was like OMG WTF was that?! My aunt just looked at me. Her and my mom laid me on the bathroom floor, but I yelled that I wanted a pillow! I wanted to comfy ya know!? Well, I was screaming and yelling some more, cause that's what you do! My mom asked me if I wanted her to call the ambulance and I was like DUH! So, se calls them and calls my dad who was at a bar, nothing out of the ordinary there! The paramedics get there and look in and are like, well we ain't doing that! I was like WTF! So, a very nice lady comes in and aparently she is a paramedic and sit on the bathtub and tells me to push. I did and she said STOP and I was like NO! She said I had too so she could unwrap the cord from her neck. She did and said I could push again. I did and Samantha Madison was born at 10:10 pm on Feb 16th 2001. My dad got there with a police escort, he got pulled over for speeding the way there. They put her in the ambulance and than me and took us to the hospital. I had had a drug free birth, and I NEVER wanted to do it again! We got to the hospital and they were surprised to see me, idiots! Anyways, that was how my Sammie was brought into the world.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Have you ever thought you made a mistake? Have you ever thought why?
I have. Almost everyday. I just suck it up and move on to the next thing. Do I wish I could change things? Yes. But, can I? No. I live day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute and second to second. Do I hate myself? Everyday. How can I make it better? I can't. It's life. You know like the saying.."Life's a bitch, and then you die." Why do I hate myself? I honestly cannot answer that. I live for my kids and my husband.

The next few posts I do will be about me and my kids and how I met Jack. They will probably be long, so bear with me!

Until next time!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Why do my kids hate me? Why do they argue? Why do they ask why?

Today was uneventful day. Jack let me sleep in and he got up with all of the kids, which was nice, don't get me wrong. But, when you wake up to "I told you NOT to do that Fynlee!" And you hear it over and over and over, you just have to get up! You walk into the living room and you see your husband playing on the computer...Hmmm, do you not hear the fighting, screaming and yelling? I guess not! I sit on the couch and am like, "Why did I get up?" Anyways, kids come and eat lunch, thank God that was uneventful! They go to take naps, but not really because they have to concept to the word nap. Hmm, I would to have a bowl of cereal that sounds good! I just want some cereal, that would make my day GREAT! Wait, no milk..Hmm, "Are you gonna get some milk?" "Probably, before I go to work." "Okay!" Well, scratch cereal. I will just wait to eat later. I get on the computer, check my usual, MySpace, FaceBook, IMLM, email. After that go and lay and relax on the couch. Jack comes over to me, basically this is his hint that he is going to go take a nap before work.... He gets up at like 4:30..Gets ready for work, helps with dinner for the kids. We put them in their room. I hear Sophia screaming, I go in, as I walk in Fynlee is pouring her Kool-Aid all over the window seal. I look and he has already done this to his bottle! that's it! No more bottles! You guys are drinking out of cups from now on! I go and get their cups and give them more Kool-Aid! HA! get that top off buddy!! Mom 1- Fynlee 0! Jack gets ready to leave for work at 5:30, he leaves. Ok, I can relax for a little bit...20 minutes later..I hear Sophia screaming again.. I go in there..Fynlee has her cup top open and dumped and he is proceeding to dump his out..The little brat got BOTH tops off of the cups! Mom -0 - Fynlee 1. And I don't have any milk...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just me!

I am Holly. I am a woman, daughter, sister, wife and mother. I am married to Jack, which is okay most of the time. It could better, but nothing is easy! I have 4 kids.

Samantha is out-going and takes thing one day at a time.
Fynlee is my miracle baby. He was a preemie. He is the most lovable little boy. He always smiles and is ready for anything.
Sophia is my crazy child. She is the tantrum baby. If it's not her way, it's no one's way!
Jack is the baby. He smiles and is an all around happy baby.

I have a close relationship with my mom. We talk everyday. We disagree all the time but we work through it all. I have an up and down relationship with my dad. We never agree on anything!

My brother is James. he is also my life. I talk to him all the time. He is my world and I love him so much.

I stay at home. I am trying to find a job, but no luck whatsoever!

Jack and I have been married for a 1 year. It's okay. We fight, but everyone does. We try our best to work through it and move on.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but slowly but surely I am working on them. I try to be a better mom and wife everyday.

Basically, this is my life in a nutshell!

Hope you enjoyed!