Saturday, August 29, 2009


Why do my kids hate me? Why do they argue? Why do they ask why?

Today was uneventful day. Jack let me sleep in and he got up with all of the kids, which was nice, don't get me wrong. But, when you wake up to "I told you NOT to do that Fynlee!" And you hear it over and over and over, you just have to get up! You walk into the living room and you see your husband playing on the computer...Hmmm, do you not hear the fighting, screaming and yelling? I guess not! I sit on the couch and am like, "Why did I get up?" Anyways, kids come and eat lunch, thank God that was uneventful! They go to take naps, but not really because they have to concept to the word nap. Hmm, I would to have a bowl of cereal that sounds good! I just want some cereal, that would make my day GREAT! Wait, no milk..Hmm, "Are you gonna get some milk?" "Probably, before I go to work." "Okay!" Well, scratch cereal. I will just wait to eat later. I get on the computer, check my usual, MySpace, FaceBook, IMLM, email. After that go and lay and relax on the couch. Jack comes over to me, basically this is his hint that he is going to go take a nap before work.... He gets up at like 4:30..Gets ready for work, helps with dinner for the kids. We put them in their room. I hear Sophia screaming, I go in, as I walk in Fynlee is pouring her Kool-Aid all over the window seal. I look and he has already done this to his bottle! that's it! No more bottles! You guys are drinking out of cups from now on! I go and get their cups and give them more Kool-Aid! HA! get that top off buddy!! Mom 1- Fynlee 0! Jack gets ready to leave for work at 5:30, he leaves. Ok, I can relax for a little bit...20 minutes later..I hear Sophia screaming again.. I go in there..Fynlee has her cup top open and dumped and he is proceeding to dump his out..The little brat got BOTH tops off of the cups! Mom -0 - Fynlee 1. And I don't have any milk...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just me!

I am Holly. I am a woman, daughter, sister, wife and mother. I am married to Jack, which is okay most of the time. It could better, but nothing is easy! I have 4 kids.

Samantha is out-going and takes thing one day at a time.
Fynlee is my miracle baby. He was a preemie. He is the most lovable little boy. He always smiles and is ready for anything.
Sophia is my crazy child. She is the tantrum baby. If it's not her way, it's no one's way!
Jack is the baby. He smiles and is an all around happy baby.

I have a close relationship with my mom. We talk everyday. We disagree all the time but we work through it all. I have an up and down relationship with my dad. We never agree on anything!

My brother is James. he is also my life. I talk to him all the time. He is my world and I love him so much.

I stay at home. I am trying to find a job, but no luck whatsoever!

Jack and I have been married for a 1 year. It's okay. We fight, but everyone does. We try our best to work through it and move on.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but slowly but surely I am working on them. I try to be a better mom and wife everyday.

Basically, this is my life in a nutshell!

Hope you enjoyed!